Zdjęcie Bogumiła Kaminskiego
Bogumił Kamiński

Organized conferences, workshops and summer schools

Major research grants

Data analysis course in the Julia language

A collection of interactive online projects using the Julia language: Hands-on Data Science with Julia.



In cooperation with M. Wasiluk, P. Szufel and M. Jakubczyk we have created SilverDecisions applications.

The software allows for creation and analysis of decision trees.

The application can be used in web browser at http://www.silverdecisions.pl.

The develpmnent page of the project is avaliable on GitHub.

Train Your Brain --- Challenging Yet Elementary Mathematics

Here you can find information about a book on solving mathematical problems I have written with Paweł Prałat. Additionally a free companion material giving an introduction to the Julia language is available there for download as a PDF.

The Julia Express

The Julia Express

I am maintaining a consise Julia language introductory manual for programmers.

Document for Julia 1.6.1 can be downloaded here.

Document for Julia 1.4.2 can be downloaded here.

Document for Julia 1.0 can be downloaded here.

Document for Julia 0.6 can be downloaded here.

Document for Julia 0.5 can be downloaded as [PDF] [HTML] [Jupyter notebook].

Document for Julia 0.4 can be downloaded here.

Document for Julia 0.3 can be downloaded here.


An event based Discrete Event Simulation engine written in Julia language. Intended as a support library for teaching basic principles of Discrete Event Simulation.

Source code and documentation is available on GitHub

localsolver package

In cooperation with WLOG Solutions company I have prepared localsolver package for R language.

The package is available for download at The Comprehensive R Archve Network and allows for solwing of large-scale global optimization problems. It employs advanced algorithms from hybrid optimization engine LocalSolver.

Refined knowledge-gradient policy for learning probabilities

An implementation of algorithms presented in the paper Refined knowledge-gradient policy for learning probabilities (Operations Research Letters, 43, 2015) can be downloaded here.

Asynchronous Knowledge Gradient

An implementation in Java language of the Asynchronous Knowledge Gradient algorithm can be downloaded here.

Documentation of the algorithm is presented in paper:

B. Kamiński, P. Szufel: Asynchronous Knowledge Gradient Policy for Ranking and Selection, Winter Simulation Conference, Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, A. Tolk, S. Y. Diallo, I. O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S. Buckley, and J. A. Miller, eds., s. 3785-3796, 2014

Data analysis with R handbook

Receptury w R

Together with Mateusz Zawisza we have published a book (in polish)

Receptury w R. Podręcznik dla ekonomistów

about data analysis using R language.

It can be bought online at Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH.

On this website you can dowlnoad

data sets and codes of procedures used in the book.

WSE - Warsaw Simulation Engine


Warsaw Simulation Engine is a library written in Python 3.3.2 that allows to run discrete event simulations. It includes a set of example simulations using it.

WSE Releases

Version 1.0 WSE_v1.0.zip

Version 1.1 WSE_v1.1.zip

Development version BitBucket


Together with Przemyslaw Szufel we take part in development of Project PyCX.

It is a simple simulation environment written in Python.