Essential general usage functions
Statistics and machine learning
Taking it all together example
The Purpose of this document is to introduce programmers to Julia programming by example. This is a simplified exposition of the language.
If some packages are missing on your system use Pkg.add to require installing them. There are many add-on packages which you can browse at
Major stuff not covered (please see the documentation):
;You can find current Julia documentation at
The code was executed using the following Julia version:
Remember that you can expect every major version of Julia to introduce breaking changes.
Check for release notes.
All sugestions how this guide can be improved are welcomed. Please contact me at
Running julia invokes interactive (REPL) mode. In this mode some useful commands are:
quits with exit code c
);Examples of some essential functions in REPL (they can be also invoked in scripts):
apropos("apropos") # search documentation for "apropos" string
@edit max(1,2) # show the definition of max function when invoked with arguments 1 and 2 in text editor
whos() # list of global variables and their types
cd("D:/") # change working directory to D:/ (on Windows)
pwd() # get current working directory
include("file.jl") # execute source file, LoadError if execution fails
clipboard([1,2]) # copy data to system clipboard
clipboard() # load data from system clipboard as string
workspace() # clear worskspace - create new Main module (only to be used interactively)
You can execute Julia script by running julia script.jl
Try saving the following example script to a file and run it (more examples of all the constructs used are given in following sections):
"Sieve of Eratosthenes function docstring"
function es(n::Int) # accepts one integer argument
isprime = ones(Bool, n) # n-element vector of true-s
isprime[1] = false # 1 is not a prime
for i in 2:round(Int, sqrt(n)) # loop integers from 2 to sqrt(n)
if isprime[i] # conditional evaluation
for j in (i*i):i:n # sequence with step i
isprime[j] = false
return filter(x -> isprime[x], 1:n) # filter using anonymous function
println(es(100)) # print all primes less or equal than 100
@time length(es(10^7)) # check function execution time and memory usage
Basic scalar literals (x::Type
is a literal x
with type Type
1::Int64 # 64-bit integer, no overflow warnings, fails on 32 bit Julia
1.0::Float64 # 64-bit float, defines NaN, -Inf, Inf
true::Bool # boolean, allows "true" and "false"
'c'::Char # character, allows Unicode
"s"::AbstractString # strings, allows Unicode, see also Strings
All basic types are immutable. Specifying type assertion is optional (and usually it is not needed, but I give it to show how you can do it). Type assertions for variables are made in the same way and may improve code performance.
If you do not specify type assertion Julia will choose a default. Note that defaults might be different on 32-bit and
64-bit versions of Julia. A most important difference is for integers which are Int32
and Int64
respectively. This means
that 1::Int32
assertion will fail on 64-bit version. Notably Int
is either Int64
or Int32
depending on version (the same
with UInt
There is no automatic type conversion (especially important in function calls). Has to be explicit:
Int64('a') # character to integer
Int64(2.0) # float to integer
Int64(1.3) # inexact error
Int64("a") # error no conversion possible
Float64(1) # integer to float
Bool(1) # converts to boolean true
Bool(0) # converts to boolean false
Bool(2) # conversion error
Char(89) # integer to char
string(true) # cast bool to string (works with other types, note small caps)
string(1,true) # string can take more than one argument and concatenate them
zero(10.0) # zero of type of 10.0
one(Int64) # one of type Int64
General conversion can be done using convert(Type, x)
convert(Int64, 1.0) # convert float to integer
Parsing strings can be done using parse(Type, str)
parse(Int64, "1") # parse "1" string as Int64
Automatic promotion ofmany arguments to common type (if any) using promote
promote(true, BigInt(1)//3, 1.0) # tuple (see Tuples) of BigFloats, true promoted to 1.0
promote("a", 1) # promotion to common type not possible
Many operations (arithmetic, assignment) are defined in a way that performs automatic type promotion. One can verify type of argument:
typeof("abc") # String returned which is a AbstractString subtype
isa("abc", AbstractString) # true
isa(1, Float64) # false, integer is not a float
isa(1.0, Float64) # true
isa(1.0, Number) # true, Number is abstract type
supertype(Int64) # supertype of Int64
subtypes(Real) # subtypes of bastract type Real
It is possible to performcalculations using arbitrary precision arithmetic or rational numbers:
BigInt(10)^1000 # big integer
BigFloat(10)^1000 # big float, see documentation how to change default precision
123//456 # rational numbers are created using // operator
Type hierarchy of all standard numeric types is given below:
function type_hierarchy(t::DataType, level = 0)
println(" "^level, t)
for x in subtypes(t)
type_hierarchy(x, level+2)
Important types:
Any # all objects are of this type
Union{} # subtype of all types, no object can have this type
Void # type indicating nothing, subtype of Any
nothing # only instance of Void
Additionally #undef
indicates an incompletely initialized instance.
Tuples are immutable sequences indexed from 1
() # empty tuple
(1,) # one element tuple
("a", 1) # two element tuple
('a', false)::Tuple{Char, Bool} # tuple type assertion
x = (1, 2, 3)
x[1] # 1 (element)
x[1:2] # (1, 2) (tuple)
x[4] # bounds error
x[1] = 1 # error - tuple is not mutable
a, b = x # tuple unpacking a=1, b=2
println("$a $b")
Arrays are mutable and passed by reference. Array creation:
Array(Char, 2, 3, 4) # 2x3x4 array of Chars
Array{Int64}(0, 0) # degenerate 0x0 array of Int64
Array{Any}(2, 3) # 2x3 array of Any
zeros(5) # vector of Float64 zeros
ones(5) # vector of Float64 ones
ones(Int64, 2, 1) # 2x1 array of Int64 ones
trues(3), falses(3) # tuple of vector of trues and of falses
eye(3) # 3x3 Float64 identity matrix
x = linspace(1, 2, 5) # iterator having 5 equally spaced elements
collect(x) # converts iterator to vector
1:10 # iterable from 1 to 10
1:2:10 # iterable from 1 to 9 with 2 skip
reshape(1:12, 3, 4) # 3x4 array filled with 1:12 values
fill("a", 2, 2) # 2x2 array filled with "a"
repmat(eye(2), 3, 2) # 2x2 identity matrix repeated 3x2 times
x = [1, 2] # two element vector
resize!(x, 5) # resize x in place to hold 5 values (filled with garbage)
[1] # vector with one element (not a scalar)
[x * y for x in 1:2, y in 1:3] # comprehension generating 2x3 array
Float64[x^2 for x in 1:4] # casting comprehension result to Float64
[1 2] # 1x2 matrix (hcat function)
[1 2]' # 2x1 matrix (after transposing)
[1, 2] # vector (concatenation)
[1; 2] # vector (vcat function)
[1 2 3; 1 2 3] # 2x3 matrix (hvcat function)
[1; 2] == [1 2]' # false, different array dimensions
[(1, 2)] # 1-element vector
collect((1, 2)) # 2-element vector by tuple unpacking
[[1 2] 3] # append to a row vector (hcat)
[[1; 2]; 3] # append to a column vector (vcat)
Vectors (1D arrays) are treated as column vectors.
Julia offers sparse and distributed matrices (see documentation for details).
Commonly needed array utility functions:
a = [x * y for x in 1:2, y in 1, z in 1:3] # 2x3 array of Int64; singelton dimension is dropped
a = [x * y for x in 1:2, y in 1:1, z in 1:3] # 2x1x3 array of Int64; singelton dimension is not dropped
ndims(a) # number of dimensions in a
eltype(a) # type of elements in a
length(a) # number of elements in a
size(a) # tuple containing dimension sizes of a
vec(a) # cast array to vetor (single dimension)
squeeze(a, 2) # remove 2nd dimension as it has size 1
sum(a, 3) # calculate sums for 3rd dimensions, similarly: mean, std, prod, minimum, maximum, any, all
count(x -> x > 0, a) # count number of times a predicate is true, similar: all, any
Array access functions:
a = linspace(0, 1) # LinSpace{Float64} of length 50
a[1] # get scalar 0.0
a[end] # get scalar 1.0 (last position)
a[1:2:end] # every second element from range, LinSpace{Float64}
a[repmat([true, false], 25)] # select every second element, Array{Float64,1}
a[[1, 3, 6]] # 1st, 3rd and 6th element of a, Array{Float64,1}
view(a, 1:2:50) # view into subsarray of a
endof(a) # last index of the collection a
Observe the treatment of trailing singleton dimensions:
a = reshape(1:12, 3, 4)
a[:, 1:2] # 3x2 matrix
a[:, 1] # 3 element vector
a[1, :] # 4 element vector
a[1:1, :] # 1x4 matrix
a[:, :, 1, 1] # works 3x4 matrix
a[:, :, :, [true]] # wroks 3x4x1 matrix
a[1, 1, [false]] # works 0-element Array{Int64,1}
Array assignment:
x = collect(reshape(1:8, 2, 4))
x[:, 2:3] = [1 2] # error; size mismatch
x[:, 2:3] = repmat([1 2], 2) # OK
x[:, 2:3] = 3 # OK
Arrays are assigned and passed by reference. Therefore copying is provided:
x = Array{Any}(2)
x[1] = ones(2)
x[2] = trues(3)
a = x
b = copy(x) # shallow copy
c = deepcopy(x) # deep copy
x[1] = "Bang"
x[2][1] = false
a # identical as x
b # only x[2][1] changed from original x
c # contents to original x
Array types syntax examples:
[1 2]::Array{Int64, 2} # 2 dimensional array of Int64
[true; false]::Vector{Bool} # vector of Bool
[1 2; 3 4]::Matrix{Int64} # matrix of Int64
Composite types are mutable and passed by reference. You can define and access composite types:
type Point
p = Point(0, 0.0, "Origin")
p.x # access field
p.meta = 2 # change field value
p.x = 1.5 # error, wrong data type
p.z = 1 # error - no such field
fieldnames(p) # get names of instance fields
fieldnames(Point) # get names of type fields
You can define type to be immutable
by replacing type by immutable. There are also union types (see documentation
for details).
Associative collections (key-value dictionaries):
x = Dict{Float64, Int64}() # empty dictionary mapping floats to integers
y = Dict("a"=>1, "b"=>2) # filled dictionary
y["a"] # element retrieval
y["c"] # error
y["c"] = 3 # added element
haskey(y, "b") # check if y contains key "b"
keys(y), values(y) # tuple of iterators returning keys and values in y
delete!(y, "b") # delete key from a collection, see also: pop!
get(y,"c","default") # return y["c"] or "default" if not haskey(y,"c")
Julia also supports operations on sets and dequeues, priority queues and heaps (please refer to documentation).
String operations:
"Hi " * "there!" # string concatenation
"Ho " ^ 3 # repeat string
string("a= ", 123.3) # create using print function
repr(123.3) # fetch value of show function to a string
contains("ABCD", "CD") # check if first string contains second
"\"\n\t\$" # C-like escaping in strings, new \$ escape
x = 123
"$x + 3 = $(x+3)" # unescaped $ is used for interpolation
"\$199" # to get a $ symbol you must escape it
PCRE regular expressions handling:
r = r"A|B" # create new regexp
ismatch(r, "CD") # false, no match found
m = match(r, "ACBD") # find first regexp match, see documentation for details
There is a vast number of string functions—please refer to documentation.
The simplest way to create new variable is by assignment:
x = 1.0 # x is Float64
x = 1 # now x is Int32 on 32 bit machine and Int64 on 64 bit machine
Expressions can be compound using ; or begin end block:
x = (a = 1; 2 * a) # after: x = 2; a = 1
(x, a)
y = begin
b = 3
3 * b
end # after: y = 9; b = 3
(y, b)
There are standard programming constructs:
if false # if clause requires Bool test
z = 1
elseif 1==2
z = 2
a = 3
end # after this a = 3 and z is undefined
(a, isdefined(:z))
1==2 ? "A" : "B" # standard ternary operator
i = 1
while true
i += 1
if i > 10
for x in 1:10 # x in collection, can also use = here instead of in
if 3 < x < 6
continue # skip one iteration
end # x is introduced in loop outer scope
You can define your own functions:
f(x, y = 10) = x + y # new function f with y defaulting to 10; last result returned
f(3, 2) # simple call, 5 returned
f(3) # 13 returned
function g(x::Int, y::Int) # type restriction
return y, x # explicit return of a tuple
g(x::Int, y::Bool) = x * y # add multiple dispatch
g(2, true) # second definition is invoked
methods(g) # list all methods defined for g
(x -> x^2)(3) # anonymous function with a call
() -> 0 # anonymous function with no arguments
h(x...) = sum(x)/length(x) - mean(x) # vararg function; x is a tuple
h(1, 2, 3) # result is 0
x = (2, 3) # tuple
f(x) # error
f(x...) # OK - tuple unpacking
s(x; a = 1, b = 1) = x * a / b # function with keyword arguments a and b
s(3, b = 2) # call with keyword argument
x1(; x::Int64 = 2) = x # single keyword argument
x1() # 2 returned
x2(; x::Bool = true) = x # no multiple dispatch for keyword arguments; function overwritten
x2() # true; old function was overwritten
q(f::Function, x) = 2 * f(x) # simple function wrapper
q(x -> 2x, 10) # 40 returned, no need to use * in 2x (means 2*x)
q(10) do x # creation of anonymous function by do construct, useful eg. in IO
2 * x
m = reshape(1:12, 3, 4)
map(x -> x ^ 2, m) # 3x4 array returned with transformed data
filter(x -> bits(x)[end] == '0', 1:12) # a fancy way to choose even integers from the range
As a convention functions with name ending with ! change their arguments in-place. See for example resize!
in this
Default function argument beasts:
y = 10
f1(x=y) = x; f1() # 10
f2(x=y,y=1) = x; f2() # 10
f3(y=1,x=y) = x; f3() # 1
f4(;x=y) = x; f4() # 10
f5(;x=y,y=1) = x; f5() # error - y not defined yet :(
f6(;y=1,x=y) = x; f6() # 1
The following constructs introduce new variable scope: function
, while
, for
, try
, let
, type
You can define variables as:
: use variable from global scope;local
: define new variable in current scope;const
: ensure variable type is constant (global only).Special cases:
w # error, variable does not exist
f() = global w = 1
f() # after the call w is defined globally
function fn(n)
x = 0
for i = 1:n
x = i
fn(10) # 10; inside loop we use outer local variable
function fn2(n)
x = 0
for i = 1:n
local x
x = i
fn2(10) # 0; inside loop we use new local variable
function fn3(n)
for i = 1:n
local x # this local can be omitted; for introduces new scope
x = i
fn3(10) # x fetched from global scope as it wase already defined
const n = 2
n = 3 # warning, value changed
n = 3.0 # error, wrong type
function fun() # no warning
const x = 2
x = true
fun() # true, no warning
Global constants speed up execution.
The let
rebinds the variable:
Fs = Array{Any}(2)
i = 1
while i <= 2
j = i
Fs[i] = () -> j
i += 1
Fs[1](), Fs[2]() # (2, 2); the same binding for j
Fs = Array{Any}(2)
i = 1
while i <= 2
let j = i
Fs[i] = () -> j
i += 1
Fs[1](), Fs[2]() # (1, 2); new binding for j
Fs = Array{Any}(2)
i = 1
for i in 1:2
j = i
Fs[i] = () -> j
Fs[1](), Fs[2]() # (1, 2); for loops and comprehensions rebind variables
Modules encapsulate code. Can be reloaded, which is useful to redefine functions and types, as top level functions and types are defined as constants.
module M # module name; can be replaced in one session
export xx # what module exposes for the world
xx = 1
y = 2 # hidden variable
whos(M) # list exported variables
xx # not found in global scope
M.y # direct variable access possible
# import all exported variables
# load standard packages this way
using M
#import variable y to global scope (even if not exported)
import M.y
Julia follows standard operators with the following quirks:
true || false # binary or operator (singeltons only), || and && use short-circut evaluation
[1 2] & [2 1] # bitwise and operator
1 < 2 < 3 # chaining conditions is OK (singeltons only)
[1 2] .< [2 1] # for vectorized operators need to add ’.’ in front
x = [1 2 3]
2x + 2(x+1) # multiplication can be omitted between a literal and a variable or a left parenthesis
y = [1, 2, 3]
x + y # error
x .+ y # 3x3 matrix, dimension broadcasting
x + y' # 1x3 matrix
x * y # array multiplication, 1-element vector (not scalar)
x .* y # element-wise multiplication, 3x3 array
x == [1 2 3] # true, object looks the same
x === [1 2 3] # false, objects not identical
z = reshape(1:9, 3, 3)
z + x # error
z .+ x # x broadcasted vertically
z .+ y # y broadcasted horizontally
# explicit broadcast of singelton dimensions
# function + is called for each array element
broadcast(+, [1 2], [1; 2])
Many typical matrix transformation functions are available (see documentation).
show(collect(1:100)) # show text representation of an object
eps() # distance from 1.0 to next representable Float64
nextfloat(2.0) # next float representable, similarly provided prevfloat
isequal(NaN, NaN) # true
NaN == NaN # false
NaN === NaN # true
isequal(1, 1.0) # true
1 == 1.0 # true
1 === 1.0 # false
isfinite(Inf) # false, similarly provided: isinf, isnan
fld(-5, 3), mod(-5, 3) # (-2, 1), division towards minus infinity
div(-5, 3), rem(-5, 3) # (-1, -2), division towards zero
find(x -> mod(x, 2) == 0, 1:8) # find indices for which function returns true
x = [1 2]; identity(x) === x # true, identity function
info("Info") # print information, similarly warn and error (raises error)
ntuple(x->2x, 3) # create tuple by calling x->2x with values 1, 2 and 3
isdefined(:x) # if variable x is defined (:x is a symbol)
y = Array{Any}(2); isassigned(y, 3) # if position 3 in array is assigned (not out of bounds or #undef)
fieldtype(typeof(1:2),:start) # get type of the field in composite type (passed as symbol)
1:5 |> exp |> sum # function application chaining
zip(1:3, 1:3) |> collect # convert iterables to iterable tuple and pass it to collect
enumerate("abc") # create iterator of tuples (index, collection element)
isempty("abc") # check if collection is empty
'b' in "abc" # check if element is in a collection
indexin(collect("abc"), collect("abrakadabra")) # [11, 9, 0] (’c’ not found), needs arrays
findin("abc", "abrakadabra") # [1, 2] (’c’ was not found)
unique("abrakadabra") # return unique elements
issubset("abc", "abcd") # check if every element in fist collection is in the second
indmax("abrakadabra") # index of maximal element (3 - ’r’ in this case)
findmax("abrakadabra") # tuple: maximal element and its index
filter(x->mod(x,2)==0, 1:10) # retain elements of collection that meet predicate
dump(1:2:5) # show all user-visible structure of an object
sort(rand(10)) # sort 10 uniform random variables
For I/O details refer documentation. Basic operations:
, readcsv
: read from filewritedlm
, writecsv
: write to a fileWarning! Trailing spaces are not discarded if delim=' '
in file reading.
Basic random numbers:
srand(1) # set random number generator seed to 1
rand() # generate random number from U[0,1)
rand(3, 4) # generate 3x4 matrix of random numbers from U[0,1]
rand(2:5, 10) # generate vector of 10 random integer numbers in range form 2 to 5
randn(10) # generate vector of 10 random numbers from standard normal distribution
Advanced randomness form Distributions
using Distributions # load package
sample(1:10, 10) # single bootstrap sample from set 1-10
b = Beta(0.4, 0.8) # Beta distribution with parameters 0.4 and 0.8
# see documentation for supported distributions
mean(b) # expected value of distribution b
# see documentation for other supported statistics
rand(b, 100) # 100 independent random samples from distribution b
Visit for the details (in particular R-like data frames).
Starting with Julia version 0.4 there is a core language construct Nullable
that allows to represent missing value (similar
to HaskellMaybe).
u1 = Nullable(1) # contains value
u2 = Nullable{Int64}() # missing value
get(u1) # OK
get(u2) # error - missing
isnull(u1) # false
isnull(u2) # true
There are several plotting packages for Julia: Winston
, Gadfly
and PyPlot
using Gadfly
srand(1) # second plot
x, y = randn(100), randn(100)
plot(x = x, y = y)
@assert 1 == 2 "ERROR" # 2 macro arguments; error raised
using Base.Test # load Base.Test module
@test 1 == 2 # similar to assert; error
@test_approx_eq 1 1.1 # error
@test_approx_eq_eps 1 1.1 0.2 # no error
Function vectorization:
t(x::Float64, y::Float64 = 1.0) = x * y
t(1.0, 2.0) # OK
t([1.0 2.0]) # error
t.([1.0 2.0]) # OK
t([1.0 2.0], 2.0) # error
t.([1.0 2.0], 2.0) # OK
t.(2.0, [1.0 2.0]) # OK
@time [x for x in 1:10^6].' # print time and memory
@timed [x for x in 1:10^6].' # return value, time and memory
@elapsed [x for x in 1:10^6] # return time
@allocated [x for x in 1:10^6] # return memory
tic() # start timer
toc() # stop timer and print time